Friday, December 28, 2012

First School Visit: Durham Johnston

I made my first school visit to secondary school, Durham Johnston.

Upon arrival, I was shown around the school with two students from Ms. Browns class. They took us on a tour and my first thought was "WOW!" The sheer size of the shool was amazing. The school was just three years old so everything was fresh and clean still. The rooms were built for specific purposes. There were 3 computer labs, a cooking room, sewing room, 3 art rooms with a darm room, studio space, and laptops for students to add. Each room was equipped with a smartboard and books for students.
Students were not expected to bring books to and from class. Things were left in cabinet in the classroom so the teacher could grade work, and students can have everythign back the next day class was in session.
I thought this was a great system. Students would never be unprepared for class.

When I saw the number of artrooms I was extremely excited. I wanted to hang out in there all day. Because the school is funded by the government, there is no worry about not having enough budget for the art supplies. Students were working on 5x5 ft canvas oil paintings. And may I say, in the number of schools I've observed, the work done by the students in this school was exceptional.
After speaking with one of the teachers, she had said the students have won national awards based on their paintings and charcoal work.
I can say their work inspired me to buy myself some supplies here and get to creating!!

I am sure I will be heading back to this school to investigate and observe some of her classes. I definitely appreciate coming across a great, inspiring, art teacher :)

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