Many say middle schools contain students at "the worst age level" and it is the most frustrating to teach. But I have to say I think I enjoyed it the most. Students are at the age where they are learning about themselves and experiencing new things. I feel this is the age where good teachers are most crucial. I found students respected me as a teacher because I did not try to speak at them rather with them. I found many students felt comfortable speaking with me after class. I also tried to direct my lessons to things students find interesting or are experiencing at this time in their lives. This was helpful for them and myself because students were engaged in the projects.
My lessons in the middle school included :
6th grade
Clay amulets
Historical and Cultural introduction to Amulets
and good luck charms
Jewelry making: Use of wire, beads, hemp to
create finished jewelry piece
Ceramics: Use of earthenware clay and glaze to
create amulet
Doodle for Google
This years theme was to create a doodle for google "If I could travel anywhere in time, I would go..." Students were asked to create a well thought out doodle and 50 word write up based on their design. End results were great!
7th grade
Word Locker Project- This project was introduced by my mentor teacher and I assisted in the final stages to complete the project. This created an easy transition into the next project
Facebook Project- This was an amazing experience to have while teaching. I introduced social media into the art room. Students needed to create a Facebook for an American Artist. The students had a requirement to learn about an artist. As requested, my teacher asked me to think of a way students can learn from eachother. What better way than introducing something the students may already do at home. I created a template and the students simply had to do the research and plug in the information found. It was a fun and exciting way to change the learning style.
Results were great! Trust me! I am still in the process of figuring out how to post these end products...
8th grade
Elements of Art Project- This was a requirement for the class, for the students to learn about the Elements of art before the leave for high school. I turned this into a group project, students made a poster that would be displayed in the front of the classroom describing the Elements of Art.
Sell That Logo Project- A quick transition from the Elements of Art Project, students were in groups and had to create a logo for a company based on their needs and the situation at hand. Students liked this project because we used companies that were in their own town. Companies they knew and went to every day!
Grafitti Project-
Students will create stencils expressing concerns of change
within their school and community through a collaborative graffiti work by
using spraypaint and printmaking techniques. Students had a hard time with the stencil concept but once they practiced and worked with the exacto knives they began enjoying the project and idea of "grafitti"ing the school.
I also was able to help with the set of the schools play, Mulan. I worked side by side with the students creating backdrops, decorations, and more. This was extremely beneficial for me because I was able to allow students from my class to stay after school to work on their projects. I often had a full class of students working outside of their art class. This is the kind of environment I'd like to create in my own classroom. The art room is somewhere students can be free to explore materials, be comfortable in school, and learn about themselves as they grow up.
Overall, I had an extremely positive experience at the New Paltz Middle School. I will forever think of Kim Sturgis and the students at the school as a group that has impacted my life. The school had an amazing sense of community where the students spoke with the teachers, educators were always watching hallways making sure students were safe and respecting eachother.
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